
The Jade PalaceThe Lotus Gardens
Zhou is the bustling industrialised metropolis home to Xing's Emperor, as well as a formidable chunk of its military and productive power. With a cityscape dotted with great factories and other testaments to this crammed city's ability to simply <i>produce</i> goods en masse, as well as cultural landmarks, such as the great Jade Palace, Zhou is arguably one of the world's current most breathtaking sights in the context of modernity. Zhou is located deep within the jagged eastern outcrops of Xing.
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Kaspar Derocha Avatar
The Dreamer's Disease by Kaspar Derocha
Apr 8, 2015 19:56:26 GMT
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More or less the closest thing Xing has to a frontier settlement, Tuanzhen is the westernmost city in the entire country. Over the years, it has been a fearful and notorious point of first contact in Xingese-Amestrian skirmishes, but has been ultimately peaceful for the past thirty years, though that does not stop it from being situated barely a few miles from the official border of the Great Desert.
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The Yao Gorge, named so for the centuries-old dynasty of Emperors which was messily terminated only ninety years ago, is a breathtaking natural formation situated almost fifty miles from Zhou. VI tour guides and information points make it completely technologically guarded and guided. A gentle stream runs through the bottom, beneath a whopping nine hundred foot drop.
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A thick forested area that covers almost a fifth of Xing's more coastal areas, the Guanglin Forest is huge, dense, and highly variable. As it moves from west to east, it starts as a humid patch of jungle, populated with large cats and jaguars, and begins to become somewhat more temperate, bearing similarity to conventional western forests and woodlands before long.
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The Xingese side of the Great Desert is not dissimilar to the Amestrian side: a vast ocean of sand leading on for miles.
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Xing is a large empire far to the east of Amestris, across the Great Desert and on the opposite side of the ruins of Xerxes. Supposedly, the nation of Xing is made up of fifty hereditary clans all under the rule of a single Emperor, who cements his rule by taking the daughter of each clan's chief to be his concubine and bear him an heir. But that's obviously not the case anymore. In recent times, the Emperor chooses his next heir and appoints them before he dies. The climate is desertlike at the western ridge, reaching out into a more terential area, considered a jungle. The country itself is extremely mountainous with various tunnels carved out for passage. Xing is a staunch military nation, and due to its sheer manpower, possesses the largest military in the world.

Language: Xingese
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