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Ishval (also known as Ishbal) is a region of Southeastern Amestris on the border of the Eastern Desert. Presumably once its own nation, owing to the vastly different cultural practices of Ishval's people and the general populace of greater Amestris as a whole, Ishval was likely absorbed as a part of Amestris' expansion policies. However, the region remains a point of contention and was ultimately razed as a result of the Ishval Civil War. Existing in Amestris' relatively barren frontier and just shy of the Great Desert separating the western and eastern nations of the continent, Ishval has been described as a rather harsh land made of little more than rocks and sand; it has no significant natural resources and very little farmable land, which likely accounts for the strict codes of conduct and sense of resilience adopted by its inhabitants. Despite this, Ishval was a relatively popular crossing point for Xingese traders and smugglers heading into the west. Ishval itself is divided into multiple distinct districts - Gunja, Kanda and Daliha being the only ones named during the series). It is suggested that Ishvallans were previously spread out over a wider area, but that the smaller region of Ishval was created by the Amestrian government to pen them in after conflicts between the Central Government and Ishvallan people began to arise. Since the war, Ishval has become a desolate land with blood and nightmarish memories soaking deep into the sand; Ishvallan people have scattered over the nation of Amestris and in villages around Ishval in the great desert while others have chosen to stay in the land of their birth.

Language: Ishvallan.
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