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Castle Laidir is Carraig's seat of both political and military prowess. Serving as the King's home, bastion, and parliament, it is also full of Carraig's elite guardsmen and special forces, with its lesser outskirts home to numerous military training camps. It is a towering old crumbling palace-fortress, once more a testament to the modernised Tiberian architecture that dots the land today.
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The Carraig National Space Center, or CNSC for short, is a technological marvel and a monument to its prowess in the field of space travel. Its sleek white exterior sits barely a few miles outside of Laidir proper.
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The capital of Carraig sits almost at the island's geometric centre. Resting on the side of an imposing hill, from all sides, on approach, it can be seen to domineer the skyline for miles. Laidir is a city with a curious and eclectic design, with ancient Tiberian foundations now mixed in with the revered Creig technological mastery.
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